I Love Morocco

venha descobrir o marrocos..o reino dos sentidos, a mistica do deserto as tradições milenares , as paisagens unicas , os lugares lendarios ,paraisos perdidos..deixe-se apaixonar conosco pelo marrocos...
Marrocos, terra de contrastes que não deixa ninguém indiferente. Em cada canto do país descobre-se monumentos grandiosos, paisagens fascinantes. Num doce perfume de Oriente aliam-se tradição e modernismo. Aproveita-se para visitar as cidades imponentes, recostar-se nas belas praias, descobrir a riqueza arquitectural e cultural do país, recordações da sua longa história.

quarta-feira, 12 de outubro de 2011


The Seffa used to be a royal dish from Fez, the ancient capital of the Moroccan Kingdom.

  • 1 lb. of couscous
  • 4 oz. of butter or margarine
  • 3 oz. of peeled white almonds
  • 3 oz. of pecans
  • 3 oz. of mixed white and brown dried raisins
  • 3 oz. of dried dates
  • Powdered sugar
  • Cinnamon powder
  • ½ a quart of milk

  • Put the couscous in a big salad bowl and cover with 1 liter of slightly salted boiling water. Mix it together with a fork and let it sit for 15 minutes.
  • Cover the bowl with a plastic sheet and make a few holes with a fork to let some steam evaporate. Put it in the microwave for 3 minutes until fluffy.
  • Take away the plastic sheet, add the butter and mix with a fork
  • Pour the couscous in a nice large serving plate and form a pyramid.
  • All around, dispose, from the top to the bottom, a line of almonds, a line of cinnamon powder, a line of ice sugar, a line of dates, a line of pecan nuts, a line of dried raisins, until you finish the circle.
  • Serve it with boiled milk and ground white sugar as you like.

Recipe from Martine Florescu & Sylvie Nicoulin

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